If you’re in the market for a new home and you’re thinking of buying a foreclosed home, think before you buy. To read the article, CLICK HERE.
Why Your Real Estate Deal Fell Through
Here’s a great article that lays out the top three reason why a real estate deal can fall through for a buyer. To read the article, CLICK HERE.
New York Living And Where To Do It
Have you ever wanted to live in New York? Here’s a great list of New York neighborhoods that are deemed most ‘liveable.’ To see the list, CLICK HERE.
TV Show Homes and Their Price Tags
Ever find yourself watching a TV show and wondering how much that apartment or house is worth? From a popular TV show about two poor girls living in Brooklyn to a group of nerdy scientists living in California. To see the list, CLICK HERE.
Flipping Houses And The Best Cities To Do It In
With so many house flipping shows out there, it’s no wonder people want to get out there and do it too. Although the numbers are down this year so far, flipping houses can be a positive experience if you know where to do it. To check out the list of cities, CLICK HERE.
Real Estate Trends For The New Year
With the New Year right around the corner, the real estate industry is heading for an interesting direction. But what will the top ten real estate trends be? To read the article, CLICK HERE.
Is Airbnb Illegal?
Airbnb, an alternative for people who don’t want to stay in a hotel. But could Airbnb be illegal? To read the article, CLICK HERE.
Millennials May Be Stuck At Home For A Long Time
It might get harder for the generation of millennials to purchase a home or be approved for a loan, according to this article. To read more, CLICK HERE.
Real Estate Developers Don't Like Bowling Alleys?
Apparently bowling alleys and gold simulators are no good. Here’s an article that looks into the mind of a Tri-State area real estate developer and what they expect from Queens. To read the article, CLICK HERE.
Homeowner's Tax Break
According to this article, you may be missing out on a tax break for eligible homeowners. To read the article, CLICK HERE.